Training Offer

Personalized structure, concrete results, continuous support, and barrier-free understanding!

Course Structure:

My courses are tailored to each student's level and specific goals. Here are the main points:

What You Will Achieve with My Method

Who My Courses Are For

Guaranteed Understanding, Without Language Barriers

I understand that for those who don’t know me yet, there might be concerns about not fully understanding during the lessons, especially if you speak little or no Italian. But I can assure you: in my lessons, there are no language barriers that can hinder your learning.

In my lessons, I use a simultaneous translator that translates everything I say right after my words in Italian. The teaching materials, such as PDFs, include translations or annotations in Chinese and English, and depending on the needs, I can add other languages. If a translation is missing, I can always explain the concept directly in my own words, as I speak English fluently, I am improving my German, and learning Chinese. You can also send me your questions and comments in your own language via chat, and you’ll receive an immediate response. Whatever your native language is, you have nothing to worry about! As I always say: "the most important thing is the desire to interact with each other!"

But there's more: I have my own way of making myself understood, which goes beyond words. It’s a kind of emotional communication, a connection that is created during the lessons. Even though it’s hard to explain, it’s a fundamental part of my approach, and it will help you feel at ease and make progress, even when words seem complicated.